In the mind of this fall-loving mama, days at the beach should absolutely not be reserved for the hot and sunny days of summer. The summer is -well, hot...and ummm, too crowded. Not to mention the fact that our fall days are leading to many a winter day where getting out to the beach may become more sketchy. We are always rewarded with sights that don't make themselves apparent in the leafy cover of summer too.
And the waves - well, let me just say that it has been at least 20 (yes TWENTY) years since I have witnessed the sea in all it's glory. But that long stretch of time coupled with the little whitecaps that don't appear at our beach in summer trick me into believing we are at the ocean. And the line of questioning from the girls makes me think they feel the same...."Do mermaids live in the water here?, Is this a mermaid scale? Do you think this is a good spot for mermaids to sit and watch us?".
Have I mentioned that I love fall?