Tuesday, April 3, 2012


It's these little rituals that I love most about my life. The hope that springs eternal with the coming of warmer days. The planting of too many seeds for our impossibly small garden. The cycle that is our nature table and how closely it mirrors the outdoor world. Dinnertimes that find all of us together, recounting our day apart.
Yes. When I take the time to notice, I realize that all I need is right here.


  1. I love the way you write. You have lovely thoughts. Very inspiring!

    Lots of love,

  2. Ritual is good. It calms me and I love how it brings us closer with every meal we share or song we sing. I love how they remind us of the right here and also of the times before.

  3. Like the say. The greatest things in life are free. A lot of times we think expensive toys will make us happy. What really makes us happy is feeling good from a good level of health and doing the things we enjoy. A lot of times the things we enjoy are the most simplest.

    -Zane of ontario honey
