Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Note to self

On the days where it feels like the prospect of reading Madeline in London another thirty eight times or playing prince and princess over and over seems like too much, stop and ask if there is anywhere else you would rather be. Always, always the answer is a resounding "NO".

***By midweek I am tired. I need some reminding. That is the point of the "Notes to self". If anyone else cares to join in please feel free***


  1. I know where you're coming from. On my days off, I promise myself I'll sit and play. And I always end up saying "in a minute", "when I'm done this work", or "not right now". Tomorrow is my day off. I'm doing it. Housework be damned! There will be leftovers for lunch and supper. Puppet shows, playdough, and painting are on the agenda. They're worth it. At least they're not asking to watch Caillou or something horrible like that!! Ludwig Bemelmans rocks!

  2. I had to say out loud to my husband tonight "I love my job as a Mom, right?" And I know that I do, but sometimes we just need a reminder :)
