Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Note to self

Chill out! One day when your time is your own again, and your house is a shining example of order and serenity you will miss the noise and dare I say, the chaos.
You know its true!


  1. I thought of this recently. I was scrambling an egg for my boy, and thought that someday the smell of scrambled eggs with ketchup will cause these days to come rushing into my heart and mind, and that I'll think what I hear so many women say: if I could just go back for one day...reminded me to cherish these days of noise, mess, and blinding busyness!

  2. oh man, i hear that. lovely little hearts!

  3. I love your notes to self. They speak quite clearly to me as well. Thanks Karen

  4. Love the needle felted hearts and I was just thinking something similar this morning as I gazed about at all of the disorganization.

  5. It is so true... but it did give me the giggles to imagine, instead of my current habit of daydreaming about (and occasionally yearning for) peace, order and a little time alone (even just a few minutes in the washroom), sitting on the couch and wishing for noise, chaos and constant interruptions!! :)

  6. Ah, very true. And when I look back at my boys' younger days (now that they are older and I get sleep each night) ;-) I am so very, very grateful that I took the time to chill out and enjoy each day with them when they were little and things were more chaotic.

  7. So very true! Somehow, this seems especially more profound when they are all peacefully sleeping. Hmmmm...
    xo Jules

  8. I love your photos, you have a good eye.

  9. See? I figured out how to comment...phew.
    I know I will miss them when they go, but somehow I can't picture it happening. My first born is still breaking dishes as he washes them, and the youngest won't fall asleep before 9:30 at night. When will the spare room be mine???
